Saturday, October 4, 2008

On Fire proofing a Marriage

It's still strange for me to go to the movies alone. You'd think after a year of widowhood, I'd be used to it. But as awkward as that can be, I want to support efforts that are made to make movies with a Christian Worldview.

"Fireproof" is a great example of a movie that has a message that can transform lives. The theatre I went to was full--mostly of couples--all ages. And the place was still as a mausoleum many times, as the film addressed the pressures on marriages today and acknowledged how much work it takes to work the way it was designed to work. I think the main point is that we can't love anyone else until we truly understand how much God loves us...and that it is only out of that overflow of love that we can love others.

I liked the idea of a book-- "The Marriage Dare" --a 40 day plan to save a marriage, but it is not credible to believe that a marriage so far gone could be saved in such a short time. The models of long term marriages, where there was loyalty even in the face of illness or challenges, were so helpful. Those were models we surely don't see in current Hollywood offerings.

After 32 years of marriage, I have reason to say I know how difficult it can be on some days. But also, how wonderfully rewarding!

The hard part for me is finally, recognizing that the marriage vow reads "till death doth us part"--and my husband kept that vow. and is gone. --

I am still here. how to begin again to look for someone to love like that? I loved the words to one of the songs in the film, "While I wait I will worship, while I wait, I will serve"-- That summarizes what I am doing.